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Friday, January 28, 2005

The Psychology of Navigation in Websites - DigitalWeb

The Psychology of Navigation
In: Articles
By Jesse James Garrett
Published on December 17, 2002
So, what do you do?
When people ask me what I do for a living, I usually tell them I design Web sites. Let’s face it, most people who ask that question want an answer they can understand, not an indoctrination. That’s why I don’t often use the phrase “information architect” among the uninitiated. It causes too much trouble.
It causes trouble because it’s not always easy to explain the complexities of the work information architects do. They often have to fall back on vaguely defined metaphors such as “information spaces” to describe their area of specialization. These terms, naturally, make no sense to most people. Information spaces bear only the roughest resemblance to the physical spaces people encounter in the work of those “real world” architects.
At the very least, information spaces are different from physical spaces in one crucial regard. In the real world, everything you put into space is going to be visible to visitors by default. The designer of the space has to choose to hide something. With an information space, everything is hidden by default. The only parts of the space visitors can see are those the designer has chosen to reveal.
Information architects are only able to give users a limited amount of information about the options available to them. Sure, a paragraph could be written about each navigation choice available, but stubborn users won’t read it. This puts the information architect between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Users don’t want to have to guess what’s around every corner, but they won’t sit still long enough for someone to tell them either.
Paper or plastic?
Information architects can better understand how to communicate navigational choices by examining how users make choices. A typical user, faced with a typical, freshly loaded Web page—her eyes bouncing around the page—takes in all the options available. Maybe she scrubs the pointer over a few navigation elements. Then, finally, she’s poised to click. In that moment, as her pointer hovers over the link and finger hovers over the mouse button, she has a picture in her mind of what is on the other end of that link. Where does that picture come from? What informs the details of the user’s imaginary result?
Every link makes a promise, but the creators of the link have little control over what that is. The promise exists entirely in the mind of the user. Information architects can hope to influence that image in users’ minds in a way that makes it more likely that what they actually see as a result of clicking the link will make them feel the promise has been fulfilled.
The navigation decision—whether or not to click—hinges on the mental image users create of the page they expect to see. Fortunately, a few tools are available to help influence the images in users’ minds: language, design, and the understanding of the expectations users bring to sites. In order to deploy these tools effectively, the information architect needs to understand the process of extrapolation going on in the user’s head in that moment before the mouse is clicked.
The most important factor in evaluating the link is its language. First and foremost, users will look for specific words that they would use to describe what they’re looking for. They aren’t mulling over interpretation and connotation. They’re looking for particular words, and finding those particular words will overwhelmingly cause them to click links. If they don’t see their own words, they’ll keep an eye out for words they would expect other people to use. A synonym will do just fine, but it won’t generate the level of interest that an exact match will.
Even if the link text is not an exact match or a synonym, users will still take note if it is in the same conceptual neighborhood as their target. Mentally flagging links that might be related to what they are seeking can help them in two ways. In some contexts, it can reassure them that they’re on the right track, keeping them looking for a closer match. In other cases, if the closer match doesn’t turn up, that close-but-not-quite link may turn out to be their best bet, bringing them back to click.
When presentation speaks
A couple of other factors in the presentation of the link will cause users to extrapolate meaning. The visual treatment of the link can communicate quite a bit about its content. Bold and red shout, “Look at me! I’m important!” while small and gray says, “I’m here if you come looking for me.” Conversely, using similar visual treatment for different links communicates conceptual similarity. Maybe the visual treatment is intended to communicate something to the user; maybe it’s just a stylistic choice. Whatever the case, users are going to try to get all the information out of the visual treatment that they can.
“ Every link makes a promise, but the creators of the link have little control over what that is.”
The link’s placement on the page can help inform users’ navigational decisions. Important or overarching concepts find placement near the top. Closer to the center, users expect to find options specific to the context of the page they’re currently viewing. Perhaps more important than absolute placement is the placement of the link relative to other navigational items. It’s not uncommon to see a navigation bar display a continuum of ideas, moving from general to specific or from common to obscure. Links that are visually clustered together are considered to be conceptually related. This clustering provides context for interpreting the link that the link lacks considered in isolation.
All the information users have to go on are the language of the link, its visual treatment, and its placement on the page. Yet, despite this extreme shortage of information, they somehow develop mental images of the result they’ll get when clicking a link. The mental image might not literally be a picture of the page in their minds—although if they’re visual thinkers, it may take exactly that form. They may have formed a mental impression of the content and the manner of its presentation. This impression isn’t derived solely from the information they have gleaned from the navigation design, though. They also take their own experience into account.
First, users have their experience with the rest of the Web to consider. They have grown accustomed to seeing certain terms used in consistent ways across Web sites—“search,” “about,” “privacy,” “site map”—and have picked up on some of the conventional ways navigation items are treated visually. This experience informs their interpretation of the navigation.
In addition, users may have some experience with a particular site as well. Maybe they have seen the site dozens of times, or maybe they are just a few pages into their first visit, but, in either case, they have a set of expectations about how this specific site works. Those expectations extend from the vocabulary the site uses to the style of presentation of its content and the design elements used throughout.
All of that experience, both general and specific, serves as a filter through which they process the information the page provides about the content behind each link. Out of that process, they’ll form a mental image, an expectation about the corresponding page. That mental image will be evaluated for the probability that the page will meet the criteria that make the page worth visiting.
What's the goal?
It doesn’t matter if they have a specific informational goal in mind or if they are “just browsing”—they will have some criteria against which they’ll be evaluating that mental image. If they have a specific goal, the mental image may not be required to meet the goal completely. Simply feeling that clicking the link will get them closer to their goal may well be enough. If they don’t have a specific goal, their criteria may be only vaguely defined, or difficult to articulate, but this process of navigation by extrapolation will still apply.
It’s important to note that users won’t bother to extrapolate images for every link on the page before making decisions to click. On the contrary, the very first link to catch their attention, tipping the scales of their evaluation criteria, will earn the click. If what they see falls short of their expectations, they’ll probably go back to where they started—perhaps a bit more discouraged. If they keep finding themselves disappointed, they’ll just leave.
Of course, that very disappointment is what information architects are in the business of preventing. It’s not just about categorization schemes and organizing principles. A rich understanding of the process of mental extrapolation users go through every time they decide to click a link is critical. In a very real sense, information architects have to try to get inside users’ heads to predict what they’ll be thinking.
Maybe I’ll adopt that as my new job description: mind reader.
Jesse James Garrett is one of the founders of Adaptive Path, author of The Elements of User Experience, and a recognized figure in the information architecture community. He created the Visual Vocabulary, an open notation system for IA development, and his personal site at is one of the Web's most popular destinations for information architecture resources.

Open Source Biology

Open-Source Biology Evolves
By David Cohn Also by this reporter Page 1 of 2
02:00 AM Jan. 17, 2005 PT
To push research forward, scientists need to draw from the best data and innovations in their field. Much of the work, however, is patented, leaving many academic and nonprofit researchers hamstrung. But an Australian organization advocating an open-source approach to biology hopes to free up biological data without violating intellectual property rights.
The battle lies between biotech companies like multinational Monsanto, who can grant or deny the legal use of biological information, and independent organizations like The Biological Innovation for Open Society, or BIOS, and Science Commons. The indies want to give scientists free access to the latest methods in biotechnology through the web.

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BIOS will soon launch an open-source platform that promises to free up rights to patented DNA sequences and the methods needed to manipulate biological material. Users must only follow BIOS' "rules of engagement," which are similar to those used by the open-source software community.
"There are technologies you need to innovate and then there are the innovations themselves," said Richard Jefferson1, founder and director of BIOS in Canberra, Australia. "But those can only happen when there is fair access to the technologies."
Just like open-source software, open-source biology users own the patents to their creations, but cannot hinder others from using the original shared information to develop similar products. Any improvements of the shared methods of BIOS, the Science Commons or other open-source communities must be made public, as well as any health hazards that are discovered.
BIOS has called on Brian Behlendorf2, CTO of ColabNet, to create the web tools the open-source community platform will run on. Those should be up in the coming weeks.
Nipping at its heels is the Science Commons. The outgrowth project of Creative Commons will have a hand in all areas of science, not just the life sciences like BIOS, and is getting ready to launch its open-source community in the next two to three weeks, said John Wilbanks, executive director of Science Commons.
Wilbanks sees Science Commons and other open-source communities as a "neutral ground" for people to decide how much control over a patent they want to maintain or control. "Say you are a holder of patents and you want to make them available, you should be able to do that without having to call a lawyer," said Wilbanks.
While free access to biological information will benefit those doing research, companies who have invested millions in patents, on the other hand, won't perform expensive groundbreaking research without a guarantee that their intellectual property rights would be upheld. "Patents attract investors, providing the resources necessary to bring the product to market," said Brigid Quinn, deputy director of public affairs with the U.S. patent office. "Patents are and have always been an important part of this country's economic fabric."
On the contrary, Jefferson believes patent restrictions have compromised billions of people who should be benefiting from new diagnostic tests or improved genetically modified crops and medicines.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Yahoo! News - Bush Pushes Computerized Medical Records

Yahoo! News - Bush Pushes Computerized Medical Records

CLEVELAND - President Bush (news - web sites) returned to the state that helped seal his re-election victory to pitch his second-term health agenda, urging greater use of computerized medical records and electronic prescriptions.

AP Photo

Slideshow: President Bush

"It can save money and save lives," Bush said Thursday at a forum at the Cleveland Clinic. He said medical record-keeping, where most prescriptions and many medical documents are still handwritten, lags that of other industries.

In Washington, the Department of Health and Human Services (news - web sites) announced steps to incorporate electronic prescribing into the new Medicare prescription drug program that begins in January 2006.

The regulations will require that e-prescribing is made available to participating seniors, White House spokesman Trent Duffy said.

It was Bush's first trip of his second term, and he chose the state whose 20 electoral votes put him over the top on Election Day — a victory that triggered a wave of Democratic protests over voting irregularities.

The president plans a series of barnstorming trips to promote his domestic agenda, many to swing states that were critical in the 2004 race and will be battlegrounds in future elections.

"We've got the best medical system in the world. The role of the federal government is to keep it that way," the president told a hand-picked audience of doctors and other medical professionals.

Bush has issued a raft of proposals that would have Americans shoulder more financial responsibility for health care and retirement.

This includes medical savings accounts, which are tax-free investments that can be used for health expenses; allowing small businesses in different states to band to offer insurance to workers; and adding private investment accounts to Social Security (news - web sites).

"Most industries in America have used information technology to make their businesses more cost effective, more efficient and more productive — and the truth of the matter is health care hasn't," Bush said.

In the budget he will send Congress next month, Bush will propose spending $125 million to test computerization of health records, more than twice what is being spent in the budget year that ends Sept. 30.

Bush also said ways must be found to safeguard medical records to protect against "people prying into them."

Bush's pledge to do more to encourage wider use of electronic medical record-keeping — and allow pharmacies, hospitals, doctors' officers and insurers to share information — was praised as a good starting point by the health care industry.

"There has been a huge amount of pressure from across the health care field to have the federal government take an active role in the development of electronic health care records," said Scott Wallace, head of the National Alliance for Health Information Technology.

The Cleveland Clinic has been helping the government develop standards for medical computerization and Bush heard from doctors who showed him some of the technology and then joined him on the stage.

"Very impressive," Bush said.

Health and Human Services (news - web sites) Secretary Mike Levitt, on only his second day on the job, accompanied Bush. Levitt said wider use of computers for medical information brings "lower costs and fewer mistakes"

About a dozen protesters huddled outside in the bitter cold. An effigy of Bush was stuck into a snow pile.

Sarah Taylor, 62, held a sign that said "President Bush is a disgrace to the U.S.A."

"I think he's an appalling leader. He's trying to dismantle Social Security and he attacks and bombs other countries," Taylor said.

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Electric cars that pay | "Electric cars that pay

By Mark Clayton | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

So, you're thinking of buying one of those gas-electric hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius or Honda Insight. They're trendy, conserve fuel, and reduce pollution. But to really go 'green,' some entrepreneurs and academics say, you should try a Volkswagen Jetta.
Not just any Jetta. A dark blue one that a California electric-car company has modified so that it not only uses electricity but generates it for other purposes. So, once it's parked, you plug it in and sell excess electricity to a utility.

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It sounds like a good way to meet car payments. But don't start counting the cash just yet.
Neither big auto-makers nor utility companies have yet seized on the idea, known as 'vehicle-to-grid,' or V2G. Still, V2G is an idea waiting to happen - and the push toward hybrids today is making it ever more likely, say scientists, entrepreneurs, and economists.
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Of the more than 235 million vehicles in the United States today, only a few thousand are hybrids. And these lack the extra internal circuitry and external plug necessary to give electricity back.
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Ask Mr. Internet: Honesty is the Best Policy

Ask Mr. Internet: Honesty is the Best Policy

Honesty is the Best Policy

How to get visitors to your Web site to give you correct contact information

Dear Mr. Internet:
I find that when my Web site visitors use forms on my site to request more information, they often give me false contact information. How can I encourage them to be more honest?

Kyra Waldron
Coldwell Banker
Los Angeles, Calif.

Dear Kyra:
What you are experiencing is a common problem for real estate professionals with a significant online presence. Paradoxically, one of the keys to convincing visitors to your site to be more forthcoming is to assure them that they don't have to be!

It is important to remember that your online visitors are Internet Empowered Consumers ™ (IEC™), who are very different from the typical offline real estate prospect. In particular:

They value their privacy. Before IECs give you personal information, they want explicit assurances that their privacy will be protected.
They may not be ready to open up. Most online real estate consumers are in the information-gathering stage when they first visit your site. They aren't ready to buy, and they don't want you calling them. So they chose to remain anonymous.
They want to be in control. Threaten their anonymity and/or try to take control of the situation by pressuring them to give more information, and you'll meet with resistance.

Once you've recognized the characteristics of the IEC, the next step is to incorporate this knowledge into your online forms. When you do, you'll see a big shift in the way visitors respond. Here's how:

Ask for only the information you really need. Don't insist on full contact information if all you really need to send them what they've requested is their e-mail addresses. Make all other fields in the form optional. Ironically, you'll find that more people are actually willing to provide correct information if they don't feel pressured to do so.
Assure them you respect their privacy. Include language in your online forms that explicitly assures site visitors that their privacy will be protected. Back this up with a link to your privacy policy. Click here for a free privacy policy template that will help you create your site's privacy policy. I helped a major regional franchise instantly and dramatically increase the numbers and quality of their leads simply by posting a link to their privacy policy on their Web forms.
Give them something of value . Make sure it's very clear what value the visitor will receive in exchange for completing the form. Whether it's a new listing that meets a client's criteria, a packet on how to make your home more salable, or a relocation package, the importance of offering valuable information as a way to induce prospects to provide contact information cannot be overstated.

One of the more successful online real estate marketers in the business is Alice Held. With her permission, I've taken one of her Web forms and modified it slightly to make it even more compelling. Click here to view it. Notice that this form makes it clear that only the e-mail address field needs to be completed to receive the relocation package or the newsletter.

There are cases—such as virtual office Web sites (VOWS)—where the visitor must complete all the information within the form. In such cases, include an explanation with the form about why full contact information is required. (For example, an MLS often requires full contact information before providing access to a listing). And, once again, reassure visitors that their information will not be shared with anyone.

The Customer is Always Right
Regardless of where I travel around the world speaking to real estate salespeople, they all seem to have the same frustrations in working effectively with the Internet Empo wered Consumer™. But keep in mind that as real estate professionals, we need to adjust to this special kind of consumer, and not insist that they do business the way we prefer. If you take the time to meet IECs™ on their terms, you'll find they will be att racted to you like a magnet—if only because so many others are pushing them away.

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You've often heard me mention alternatives to Adobe Acrobat for creating PDF documents. There are probably a dozen such alternatives, some good, others not so good. However, I've finally found one that I'm truly excited about. It's called PDF995 . You can download this program and install it for free in a couple of minutes. There are no restrictions on this program, which means no " watermarks" within your PDF documents (something most other supposedly free PDF creation products do).

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Canalul Bistroe ucide padurea Letea:

Canalul Bistroe e pe cale sa devina cel mai mare dusman al mediului in Rezervatia Biosferei Delta Dunarii (RBDD). Dupa pasarile si pestii care au cazut victime lucrarilor ucrainenilor, acum se anunta un nou pericol: asupra padurii Letea, unde traiesc 70% din speciile rezervatiei. Declarata prima rezervatie naturala a Romaniei in 1938, padurea Letea poate oricind sa cada victima initiativei fostei conduceri a Ucrainei privind Canalul Bistroe. Guvernatorul Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii, Virgil Munteanu ne-a declarat ieri ca pericolul poate veni din doua directii. "Padurea se afla la doar doi kilometri de bratul Chilia. Scaderea cotelor apei Dunarii va conduce la afectarea pinzei freatice, care nu va alimenta in mod normal padurea. Din acest punct de vedere, avem experienta din 2003 cind am inregistrat cel mai mic nivel al apelor din istoria Dunarii. Tot nivelul mic poate conduce la infiltrarea cu apa sarata din Marea Neagra in pinza freatica. In ambele situatii, Letea se va usca", ne-a subliniat guvernatorul Munteanu. Letea este considerata cea mai ciudata padure din Romania datorita aspectului tropical si al evolutiei. Copacii si-au prins radacinile pe nisip, iar 500 de specii de plante s-au dezvoltat pe cele 2. 825 de hectare. (Cotitianul)

Short-term cash lender sets up shop in Toronto TheStar

Rentcash opens its 200th store

Borrowers pay 59% plus fees


To celebrate the 200th store opening of his money lending franchise, Gordon Reykdal opened some champagne.

Two hundred bottles to be exact. The CEO of Edmonton-based Rentcash Inc. hosted a conference call with his franchises across Canada on Monday so managers could simultaneously uncork the bubbly marking the opening of their newest store on Toronto's Yonge St., its first in the GTA.

"It wasn't the really good stuff," said Reykdal a little apologetically yesterday. "I think we're going to have to wait for our 300th store opening to get out the good bottles."

He may not have to wait too long. Rentcash has been on a tear to chase market leader Money Mart, a subsidiary of Dollar Financial Group of Berwyn, Pa., which has more than 1,200 locations.

With growth pegged at several locations a week, Rentcash is the second largest lender, and the largest Canadian-based brand.

The four-year-old company hopes to add significantly to its expansion in Ontario, and its Yonge St. store is the beachhead for a larger offensive. The company has most of its stores in western Canada and wants a piece of the competitive Toronto market.

"We've certainly been busy," said Reykdal. And profitable for investors.

Since the company went public three years ago, the stock has shot from $1.10 to yesterday's close of $13.50.

Investors are enamoured by the fact that with an average loan of just under $300, Rentcash charges an average interest of 59 per cent annually, which works out to about $4 for every 10 days. However, the company also charges a 20 per cent brokerage fee on top of the interest charge.

In that case, a $300 loan could end up costing the customer $364 at the end of the 10-day period.

Section 347 of the Criminal Code prohibits lenders from charging more than 60 per cent per annum.

A study by Ernst & Young for the industry released last October said the broker model "may have been adopted mainly to minimize the risk of the operator being charged for violating the 60 per cent limit on interest under the Criminal Code of Canada."

Reykdal said the company adopted the broker model to "minimize risk," not to get around Criminal Code provisions.

"In this way we're not responsible for bad debt, and we don't have to put up the capital," said Reykdal.

Rentcash Inc. operates under two store banners. The Cash store facilitates cash advances, and Insta-rent rents furniture, appliances and electronic goods through outlets within the Brick Warehouse and United Furniture Warehouse chains.

Reykdal is acutely aware of the negative public image his industry has acquired from consumers and groups, but he argues he provides a necessary service.

Vancouver community organization ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) recently released a report slamming the industry for preying on the most vulnerable.

"I certainly think we provide a service that has been neglected by other institutions," said Reykdal.

He also points to a "cooling off" period adopted by most payday type companies, which allows the client to return within 24 hours to cancel the loan without any penalty. :: Vizualizare subiect - site cu modele de goblen :: Vizualizare subiect - site cu modele de goblen: "Am gasit un site cu modele noi de goblen ,este interesant si foarte practic .Daca va intereseaza"

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Luna 3

Ora 6: 130 – 140 ml lapte
Ora 9.30-10: prima zi: o lingurita suc de mar plus lapte
a II-a zi: 2 lingurite suc de mar plus lapte
a III-a zi: 3 lingurite suc de mar plus lapte
a IV-a zi: 4 lingurite suc de mar plus lapte
a V-a zi: 5 ……………….
a VI-a zi: 6 lingurite (60 ml) plus 100 ml lapte
a VII-a zi: 1 lingurita suc de morcov plus 5 lingurite suc de mar plus
a VIII-a zi: 2 lingurite suc morcov plus 4 lingurite suc de mar lapte
Se creste pana se ajunge la 6 lingurite de suc.

Ora 13.30: Supa de zarzavat (supa strecurata) – morcov, telina, albitura, patrunjel, telina, cate 2-3 lingurite in prima z, apoi se creste treptat, pana se ajunge la 6 lingurite (60 ml) supa plus 110 ml lapte

Ora 17: lapte

Ora 22: lapte

Luna 4
Ora 6: 180-200 ml lapte

Ora 9.30-10: piure de fructe: mar ras, cu banana sau cu para (150 gr) plus o lingurita de branza de vaci FACUTA DE TINE. Daca nu stii cum, spune-mi, sa iti trimit reteta.

Ora 13: supa pasata (30-50 ml) plus 100 ml lapte

Dupa 5 luni la supa se adauga dovlecel, ceapa (dar se scoate dupa ce au fiert legumele, nu se paseaza impreuna cu ele), cartofi plus o lingurita de ulei. Separat, se fierbe carnita (pui/ manzat/). Apoi, legumele se scot si se paseaza, se amesteca si cu carnea pasata marunt si se face piure cu unt. Supa se bea ca felul I, piureul de legume ca felul 2.
Ca desert, suc natural de fructe (mar, portocala, strugure, kiwi, para etc.) 30-40 ml.

Ora 17-18 160-180 ml lapte

Ora 22: 180 ml lapte plus 4-5 lingurite cereale (Nestle, Hero – FARA GLUTEN)

Luna 6
Ora 6: 180-200 ml lapte
Ora 9.30-10: piure de fructe: mar ras, cu banana sau cu para (150 gr) sau ce alte fructe mai vrei tu (eu ii dau fetei fructe la borcanel de la Nestle, Hero sau Hipp, amestecate cu mar, banana si branzica) plus o lingurita de branza de vaci FACUTA DE TINE.

Ora 13: Felul I:supa de legume
Felul II: poti incepe sa ii dai din retetele de la mine. Fara mazare, fasole, ou, ficat, conopida, varza.
Desert: suc natural de fructe (mar, portocala, strugure, kiwi, para etc.) 30-40 ml.

Ora 17-18: Iaurt simplu (Danone) sau Cremoso. Se incepe cu 2,3 lingurite in prima zi, apoi 4-6 in a doua zi, pana se ajunge la 125 gr (un iaurt). Plus lapte, aproximativ 150 ml

Ora 22: 200 ml lapte plus 6 lingurite de cereale

Luna 7

Acum se introduce ficatul si oul fiert tare ( numai galbenusul). Se procedeaza astfel: o zi carne pui, urmatoarea manzat, apoi ficatel, apoi ou. Cand dai ou, nu mai dai si carne. OUL SE DA ASA: prima zi cand dai ou: un sfert, urmatoarea jumatate de galbenus, a treia oara, trei sferturi, apoi a patra oara un galbenus intreg. ATENTIE: albus se da numai dupa 1 an.

Deasemenea, la ora 18, se introduce si iaurtul cu fructe (Danone, Danonino).

Pentru fiecare luna, se creste cu cate o lingurita de cereale la masa de la ora 22.

Eu ii dau lui Lexi cereale de la Nestle, Hero si Bledina-Danone."

eu fac branzica asa:
pun 300 ml lapte dorna (verde) pe foc si cand da in fiert pun un iaurt mic rece (iaurtul poate fi de care vrei eu folosesc de la prod lacta sau danone). las pe foc pana se "prinde" adica incepe sa se aleaga branza de zer. daca vad ca dureaza prea mult pun cateva pic de lamaie. apoi mai las un pic (o ora) in cratita dar nu pe foc. si apoi strecor prin tifon (am facut un fel de ciorap de tifon) si-l pun la scurs 1-2 ore. ii dau la masa de la 17. pt ca Nichita prefera mai dulce ii adaug un iaurt mic (danonino de pere sau caise sau vanilie). asta o va face si mai pastoasa ca numai branza ca atare e usor innecacioasa. daca bb nu prefera dulce puteti pune iaurt simplu (la Cati asa faceam ca ea prefera mai acru nu mai dulce). mai e si varianta cu pastile de Calciu dar mie mi-a iesit prea seaca asa, adica f inecacioasa. din cant de mai sus iese fix pt o masa.

celelalte surse nu sunt intotdeauna sufic. uitati ce scrie in art despre cand sa incepi diversificarea:

"Fiecare copil este unic, creste in propriul stil, diferit de ceilalti, de aceea e posibil ca el sa nu se potriveasca nici unui grafic de alimentatie pe care l-ati citit. Schimbarile in obiceiurile alimentare nu includ doar cantitatea pe care copilul doreste sa o manance, dar si timpul in care face acest lucru. Asa ca sa nu va surprinda daca la un moment dat bebelusul refuza sa manance, iar 30 de minute mai tarziu plange de foame.

Diversificarea alimentatiei se poate incepe intre 4 si 6 luni si in functie de recomandarile medicului daca:
• Greutatea de la nastere s-a dublat.
• Daca bebelusul a incetat sa mai ia in greutate.
• Daca bebelusul ia prea mult in greutate. Formula este bogata in calorii si aceasta poate duce uneori la greutate in exces.
• Daca bebelusul cere mai des de mancare (mai mult de 1 L de lapte/zi) si nu pare satul.
• Daca bebelusul este interesat de mancarea din farfuria adultilor.
Medicul poate recomanda amanarea diversificarii daca bebelusul ia normal in greutate sau exista alergii in familie. !!! Diversificarea inceputa prea devreme poate duce la alergii alimentare mai tarziu."

Mi se pare destul de logic.