Monday, October 19, 2009

What are you passionate about

If this “passion” thing goes on to your nerve, and if you get irritated just on the mention of “find a subject you are passionate about and work on it” then get used to this and similar phrases, because this is very, very important. You will require a strong inner pushing to carry on for months in times when there will be no hope of getting so much as a glimpse of success. This you cannot do, if you are not passionate about the subject you are blogging about. Your passion for the subject will keep you going even if success doesn’t come by, and perseverance pays here as well.

Ask the following questions and make a list of the answers you get, if you are to find your passion:

1. What made you forget your food today, yesterday, or day before?
2. What keeps coming to your mind when you have nothing to do?
3. One activity you can’t imagine to quit, apart from smoking or drinking?
4. One thing you have clung to since your childhood? Or for at least 3-4 years?
5. One subject that you cannot help but read?
6. If you have all the time and wealth of the world what would you like to do, and how long will you be doing that?
7. What is that one thing about which you know more than anyone else around you?
8. What kind of advice do your friends seek from you, and on what topic?
9. What is that one thing for which you are considered an expert?